Our second book with Thomas Gartenmann – a very different take on psychology, is now available here!
Join Thomas Gartenmann on a journey through the world of psychology in Espresso your Mind. From A for Agency to Z for Zeigarnik, this book invites you to explore the intriguing realm of the human mind, one espresso shot at a time. Thomas playfully delves into the mysteries behind everyday words and concepts shedding light on behaviour, ego and even rubber ducks!
This isn’t your typical psychology book – it’s more of a friendly chat with a knowledgeable friend who adds humour, and he would also say, a dash of wit and charm to even the most puzzling of topics. Whether you’re a psychology enthusiast or just curious, Espresso your Mind promises to be an enjoyable journey. And look out for the swiss-isms sprinkled in the text like cocoa on your latte, and for those who are really intrigued, there is even a hint as to what might lie beyond the edge of psychology…
If you wish to buy the book, it is available on Amazon.